Can you make perfume?

At “Flavor Shake®︎” you can enjoy making “fabric mist”.

THE FLAVOR DESIGN®︎ has not produced “perfume for use on the skin” since its opening.

The word “perfume” originally meant “scented water.”
“Perfume used on the scalp,” “fabric mist,” “eau de toilette,” and “eau de cologne” all fall under the category of “perfume.”
The difference between these is the content of ingredients and fragrances, which are classified by each company.

Many customers refer to our products as “perfume” on social media, so those who view our products may be confused about the difference between “perfume for the scalp” and “fabric mist.”

“Perfume used on the scalp,” “fabric mist,” “eau de toilette,” and “eau de cologne” all fall under the category of “perfume,” so the customer’s description on SNS is not incorrect, but THE FLAVOR DESIGN®’s “Flavor Shake®︎” only produces “Fabric Mist.”

In addition, “Flavor Shake®︎” uses high-grade raw materials, so we provide “fabric mist” with a scent comparable to “perfume”.

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